Making Wooden Butter Knives

Making Wooden Butter Knives
Handmade Wooden Butter Knives
Instructor - Mami Stevens
To be scheduled again
Great for spreading butter, jam, cream cheese, and any other yummy things you can think of! Having a knife you made on the table makes you feel so great!
Discover your inner wooden utensil maker by creating one or two butter knives. In this one evening class, students will progress from rectangular blocks of wood to beautiful, finished utensils. We begin by drawing out our patterns and discussing the curves and shapes that make an elegant knife. Our focus then turns to learning how to safely operate the bandsaw, allowing us to mill the wood and cut out the shape. Once the knife forms are cut, we’ll smooth out the shapes so that they’re friendly to hold and apply a beeswax finish for shine and protection. These knives make wonderful gifts!
Cost includes all materials. No tools required. Class size limited to 8 students.