Cabinet on a Stand - Designing and Making a Solid Wood Cabinet

Cabinet on a Stand - Designing and Making a Solid Wood Cabinet
The Essentials of Designing and Building a Fine Solid Wood Cabinet
Instructor - Craig Vandall Stevens
※ To be scheduled - 6 weekends
The Master Class courses are challenging classes that meet approximately one weekend each month. Each Master Class will focus on one specific furniture project through to it’s completion. During each monthly session, participants will receive detailed instruction for a particular aspect of the project. Students will then use the time between sessions to complete homework and make progress on their project at their own pace and in their own home shop. Master Class projects offer an opportunity to dive deeply into specific furniture styles and unique techniques that help students develop a broad range of advanced woodworking skills.
Through discussions and one-on-one instruction, each participant in the Cabinet on a Stand Master Class will build their own solid wood cabinet with special attention focused on pleasing design, harmonious use of wood grain and a high level of craftsmanship. The course concentrates on carefully made, solid-wood cabinetmaking. Students will learn the design and construction techniques required for building a fine, handmade cabinet and stand, while increasing their level of workmanship. A wide range topics and techniques covered in the course include:
generating ideas, sketching and building full-size mockups
the careful consideration of wood for color and grain
hand-cut through and half-blind dovetails
dowel joinery
hand planed surfaces
techniques for carefully fitting cabinet joints
frame and panel construction
edge joining
installing knife hinges and accurate fitting of doors
making curved panels in solid wood
making and fitting dovetailed drawers
designing for wood movement
using shellac
special emphasis is placed on methods of work that lead to accuracy and project success
Participants in this Master Class benefit from Craig’s unique experience with this style of woodworking. His training under master cabinetmaker and author James Krenov at The College of the Redwoods Fine Woodworking Program, followed by his many years designing and making one-of-a-kind cabinets provide many insights and methods of work that help take one’s skills to a higher level.
As a form of the craft of cabinetmaking, the cabinet on a stand represents many interesting design challenges and construction steps. Shown in the images are examples of Craig’s work. Students will design their projects, then make them with Craig’s assistance during the course.
Tuition cost is $2150. Materials are not included in the tuition cost since each student’s project will require differing species and amounts of wood. Students can purchase hardwood for their cabinet project and stand, as well as poplar for full-size mockups from PFW’s inventory. Depending on the species and the amount of wood required, lumber cost for a cabinet and stand could range from $200 - $400 for hardwoods like cherry, ash, soft maple and walnut. Poplar for a full-size mock up would likely be $30 - $50. The differing cabinet designs and the uniqueness of each individual board make it difficult to precisely estimate the cost of materials for each project. Knife hinges can be purchased independently once individual projects have been designed. Students provide their own lunch.
If you would like to make payment arrangements for the course or have questions, please give the shop a call.
Continue scrolling down for Tool List
PFW has a wide assortment of hand tools for students to use. However, if you have your own tools or would like an excuse to purchase some new ones, the tool list is below. PFW recommends purchasing turning tools from Tools for Working Wood, Lee Valley/Veritas, Hida Tool and Hock Tools
Marking knife - Two Cherries No. 63, Baishinshi or Hock #MK075 Spear point
Marking gauge - Tite-Mark 7” long marking gauge, or Lee Valley Micro Adjust
12" or 6" Combination square - Starrett
Bench chisels (smaller 1/8”, 1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2”, 1” sizes are the most helpful). Ashley Iles or Fujihiro handmade Japanese chisels
Hammer - 10 to 13 oz
Dovetail saw (western or Japanese) - Gramercy, Lie Nielsen, Lee Valley or Hida Tool Gyokucho #S-372 Japanese dovetail saw
Block plane - Lie Nielsen #102 or low angle Lie Nielsen #60 1/2
Pencil, notebook, safety glasses and hearing protection