Making and Using Wooden Planes

Making and Using Wooden Planes
Make a Krenov-Style Wooden Plane
Instructor - Craig Vandall Stevens
to be scheduled again
Have you experienced the satisfaction and nuance of using a finely tuned, hand-made wooden plane? This beautiful and sensitive tool is the heart of many fine cabinetmakers’ work. Made to comfortably fit one’s hands, wooden planes with their extra-thick blades and fine throat openings, bring an exquisite, vibrant surface to wood. Making your own planes improves the quality of your craftsmanship and extends the range of design possibilities.
Craig draws upon his training under James Krenov at the College of the Redwoods and his many years of making and using these fine tools to guide participants through the construction and proper use of a smoothing plane. Students will gain a thorough understanding of the mechanics of plane construction. Also discussed will be wooden jointer and shooting planes, round bottom planes for coopering, and smaller, specialty hand made planes.
Special emphasis is placed on sharpening and fine-tuning to get the best performance out of your wooden plane. The plane body will be of 12/4 hard maple with a thick, high-quality 1-3/4” blade assembly, specifically for Krenov-style wooden planes from Hock Tools. For those that have taken this class before with Craig, this is an opportunity to build a different size or specialty plane. An excellent class, not to be missed.
Cost includes all materials. Students provide their own lunch.
Continue scrolling down for the Tool List
PFW has a wide assortment of tools for students to use. However, if you have your own tools or would like an excuse to purchase some new ones, the tool list is below. PFW recommends purchasing tools from Tools for Working Wood, Lee Valley/Veritas, Hida Tool and Hock Tools
Marking knife - Two Cherries No. 63, Baishinshi or Hock #MK075 Spear point
Marking gauge - Tite-Mark 7” long marking gauge, or Lee Valley Micro Adjust
12" or 6" Combination square - Starrett
Bench chisels (smaller 1/8”, 1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2”, 1” sizes are the most helpful). Ashley Iles or Fujihiro handmade Japanese chisels
Hammer - 10 to 13 oz
Dovetail saw (western or Japanese) - Gramercy, Lie Nielsen, Lee Valley or Hida Tool Gyokucho #S-372 Japanese dovetail saw
Block plane - Lie Nielsen #102 or low angle Lie Nielsen #60 1/2
Pencil, notebook, safety glasses and hearing protection