Design and Technique Workshop

Design and Technique Workshop
Design and Technique - Furniture Making & Design Workshop
Instructor; Craig Stevens
To be scheduled
This 5-day workshop explores the tools, techniques and a carefully considered approach used to create fine, hand-made furniture. The focus of this process-oriented course is the development of skills as they relate to hand, eye and workbench. The emphasis will be the sensitive use of hand tools combined with a proper use of machines.
Through daily lecture, demonstrations and hands-on work, Craig will lead participants in addressing techniques and questions essential to one-of-a-kind furniture making. Participants will learn and practice traditional joinery techniques such as regular and through mortise & tenon joinery, frame and panel construction, edge-joining boards, as well as sharpening techniques and the proper use of western and Japanese hand-tools. Additional techniques such as resawing veneers, wood selection and creating luxurious hand-planed surfaces will be discussed as well. There will be ongoing discussions on the design process including generating ideas, design evolution, sketching, and making mock-ups.
This workshop is for intermediate and enthusiastic makers who are interested in improving their hand skills and who have a desire for excellence and personal satisfaction in their work. A basic knowledge of stationary machines is helpful
Cost includes all materials. Students provide their own lunch.
Continue scrolling down for Tool List
PFW has a wide assortment of tools for students to use. However, if you have your own tools or would like an excuse to purchase some new ones, the tool list is below. PFW recommends purchasing tools from Tools for Working Wood, Lee Valley/Veritas, Hida Tool and Hock Tools
Marking knife - Two Cherries No. 63, Baishinshi or Hock #MK075 Spear point
Marking gauge - Tite-Mark 7” long marking gauge, or Veritas Micro Adjust marking gauge
12" or 6" Combination square - Starrett
Bench chisels (smaller 1/8”, 1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2”, 1” sizes are the most helpful). Ashley Iles or Fujihiro handmade Japanese chisels
Hammer - 10 to 13 oz
Dovetail saw (western or Japanese) - Gramercy, Lie Nielsen, Lee Valley or Hida Tool Gyokucho #S-372 Japanese dovetail saw
Block plane - Lie Nielsen #102 or low angle Lie Nielsen #60 1/2
Pencil, notebook, safety glasses and hearing protection