Cherry Coffee Table

Cherry Coffee Table
Instructor - Craig Stevens
February 13 - April 9, 2024 6pm - 9pm (8 Tuesday evenings) ※ no class on March 26th (registration is now closed for this class)
Making a handmade table represents a unique project for beginners and intermediate woodworkers. It offers the satisfaction of creating a beautiful, functional piece of hand-made furniture. Through discussions and hands-on work, students will make a coffee table using traditional techniques and joinery methods, with gently curved legs and rails.
During this course, students will learn solid wood techniques such as edge-joining boards to create the tabletop, mortise & tenon joinery, strategies for creating curved legs, assembling the table base, and dealing with wood movement. Methods of applying an oil finish at home will be covered as well, along with suggestions as to the types of oil to use. Hands-on assistance focused on introducing and improving participants’ woodworking skills will be combined with daily demonstrations and lectures.
Alongside learning to use machines safely, students will gain experience using a variety of hand tools such as layout tools, chisels, and block planes. Combined with the careful consideration of wood to create a harmonious design and the development of good work practices, this basic coffee table project offers students an excellent introduction to the world of fine furniture making.
Cost includes all materials.
Click here for the Tool List
PFW has a wide assortment of tools for students to use. However, if you have your own tools or would like an excuse to purchase some new ones, the tool list is below. PFW has always had excellent satisfaction purchasing tools from Hock Tools, Lee Valley/Veritas, Hida Tool and Tools for Working Wood.
Marking knife - Hock #MK075 or #MK025 Spear point or Baishinshi
Marking gauge - Tite-Mark 7” long marking gauge, or Veritas Micro Adjust marking gauge
Sliding T-bevel - Shinwa
12" or 6" Combination square - Starrett
Bench chisels (smaller 1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2”, 1” sizes are the most helpful). Ashley Iles or Fujihiro handmade Japanese chisels
Hammer - Japanese octagonal hammer approximately 300 grams (11 oz) or similar size
Crosscut handsaw (western or Japanese) - Lie Nielsen, Lee Valley or Hida Tool Gyokucho #S-370 Japanese joinery/general purpose saw
Block plane - Lie Nielsen #102 or low angle Lie Nielsen #60 1/2, low angle Veritas block plane
Pencil, notebook, safety glasses and hearing protection